We offer professional services to our clients who come from civil society, the public and private sector and who, like us, strive to create a more equitable and just society.
Our work focuses broadly on human rights law, rule of law and social justice and includes:
We have worked on the following projects:
Our clients have included:
The Practice is a consulting firm made up of two directors, Erica Emdon and Jacob van Garderen who collectively bring with them decades of experience and extensive networks, in the public interest sector, and a deep commitment to the promotion of human rights.

Erica Emdon,
has worked for nearly thirty years as a public interest attorney and mediator, culminating in her heading ProBono.Org a social justice legal NGO. She contributed to building the organisation into a substantial legal NGO facilitating the provision of pro bono legal services from the private sector to a wide range of clients including NGOs, community-based organisations and individuals. Over the years she has given papers and attended numerous conferences on…

Jacob van Garderen,
is a South African human rights lawyer with more than twenty years’ experience in social justice activism and strategic litigation, specialising mainly in refugee and migration law. He served as National Director of Lawyers for Human Rights, a leading human rights organisation in South Africa focusing on strategic litigation, refugees and migrant rights, land reform, farmworkers, housing, penal reform, gender equality and environmental rights, since 2008.
The Practice, while be run and managed by Jacob and Erica, is to be made up of a constantly growing pool of expert associates who will be drawn upon to work on projects when needed, all of whom share the values of the company.
The Public Interest Practice is committed to providing high quality services, underpinned by values of integrity and excellence. We have the ability to take on challenging and innovative work and are constantly seeking out opportunities to push the frontiers, if by doing so we are contributing to the realisation of human rights. We are independent and nonaligned to any political or other interest group.
Erica Emdon
Twitter: @EricaEmdon
Jacob van Garderen
Twitter: @JacobvGarderen